Salome in Riga

1 day ago 1
       The protagonists in my novel Salome in Graz discuss and debate any number of Salome-variations, especially versions (translations, editions, performances) of the Wilde play and the Strauss opera and I wonder what they would have made of the new production of the opera from the Latvijas Nacionālā opera un balets which recently premiered.
       Certainly an unusual look, from the Amy Winehousesque take on the title character to ... well, whatever this take on Jochanaan is. Certainly some ... arresting imagery:

Salome in Riga

Salome in Riga
       Mike Hardy reviews it at OperaWire -- finding: "it is impossible to fathom what [Stage Director and Set Designer Alvis Hermanis] was aiming for here or what message he wished to convey". He does allow that: "Conductor Mārtiņš Ozoliņš does a fine job with Strauss’s score and the orchestra are exemplary" and that, in the title role, Astrid Kessler: "gave a convincing portrayal of a spoiled teenage brat", but generally finds the production ... far from a success (and borderline offensive, in numerous ways).
       Ah, well. But if you're in the neighborhood, you can catch a performance today (as well as on 20 March and 6 June). And you can see some scenes in the YouTube promotional video.
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