Certainly an unusual look, from the Amy Winehousesque take on the title character to ... well, whatever this take on Jochanaan is. Certainly some ... arresting imagery:


Mike Hardy reviews it at OperaWire -- finding: "it is impossible to fathom what [Stage Director and Set Designer Alvis Hermanis] was aiming for here or what message he wished to convey". He does allow that: "Conductor Mārtiņš Ozoliņš does a fine job with Strauss’s score and the orchestra are exemplary" and that, in the title role, Astrid Kessler: "gave a convincing portrayal of a spoiled teenage brat", but generally finds the production ... far from a success (and borderline offensive, in numerous ways).
Ah, well. But if you're in the neighborhood, you can catch a performance today (as well as on 20 March and 6 June). And you can see some scenes in the YouTube promotional video.